Born: Feb­ru­a­ry 22, 1805, Har­low, Es­sex, Eng­land.

Died: Au­gust 14, 1848, St. Mar­tin-in-the-Fields, Mid­dle­sex, Eng­land, of tu­ber­cu­lo­sis.

Buried: Fos­ter Street, near Harlow, Es­sex, Eng­land.

Daughter of jour­nal­ist and pol­i­ti­cian Ben­ja­min Flow­er, she mar­ried Wil­liam Bridg­es Ad­ams in 1834. She had hoped to be an ac­tress, but God had other plans for her. Her stage ca­reer was cut short by poor health (though she did get to play La­dy Mac­beth in 1837), so she turned to writ­ing. Her works in­clude ma­ny mag­a­zine ar­ti­cles; a po­em about ear­ly Christ­ian mar­tyrs called Vi­via Per­pe­tua (1841); The Flock at the Foun­tain (1845), a child­ren’s cat­e­chism; and 13 en­tries in Hymns and An­thems, pub­lished in 1841 by min­is­ter Wil­liam John­son Fox. Ad­ams at­tended Fox’s South Place Un­i­tar­i­an Church, Fins­bury, Lon­don.



  1. Creator Spirit! Thou the First
  2. Darkness Shrouded Calvary
  3. Gently Fall the Dews of Eve
  4. Go, and Watch the Autumn Leaves
  5. He Sendeth Sun, He Sendeth Shower
  6. Nearer, My God, to Thee
  7. O Hallowed Memories of the Past
  8. O Human Heart! Thou Hast a Song
  9. O I Would Sing a Song of Praise
  10. O Love! Thou Makest All Things Even
  11. Part in Peace: Is Day Before Us?
  12. Sing to the Lord! For His Mercies are Sure
  13. The Mourners Came at Break of Day