Born: Ear­ly Ap­ril 1818, Red­cross, Coun­ty Wick­low, Ire­land.

Died: Oc­to­ber 12, 1895, Lon­don­der­ry, North­ern Ire­land.

Buried: Ci­ty Cem­e­te­ry, Lon­don­der­ry, North­ern Ire­land.

Alex­and­er’s hus­band was Will­iam Alex­an­der, bi­shop of Der­ry and Ra­phoe, and lat­er the An­gli­can pri­mate for Ire­land. Ce­cil and her sis­ter found­ed a school for the deaf, and she set up the Girls’ Friend­ly So­ci­e­ty in Lon­don­der­ry. Ce­cil Al­ex­and­er wrote about 400 hymns in her life­time. Her works in­clude:



  1. All Things Bright and Beau­ti­ful
  2. Angels Stand Around Thy Throne, The
  3. Dear Lord, This Thy Serv­ant’s Day
  4. Do No Sin­ful Act­ion
  5. Christ Has Ascend­ed Up Again
  6. Eternal Gates Lift Up Their Heads, The
  7. Every Morn­ing the Red Sun
  8. For All Thy Saints, a No­ble Throng
  9. Forgive Them, O My Fa­ther
  10. Forsaken Once, and Thrice De­nied
  11. From Out the Cloud of Am­ber Light
  12. He Is Com­ing, He Is Com­ing
  13. He Is Risen
  14. His Are the Thou­sand Spark­ling Rills
  15. How Good Is the Almighty God
  16. In Nazareth in Olden Times
  17. In the Rich Man’s Garden
  18. It Was Early in the Morn­ing
  19. Jesus Calls Us
  20. O Love Most Patient, Give Me Grace
  21. Once in Royal Da­vid’s City
  22. Roseate Hues of Early Dawn, The
  23. Saints of God Are Ho­ly Men, The
  24. Saw You Never, in the Twilight?
  25. So Be It, Lord; the Pray­ers are Prayed
  26. Souls in Death and Darkness Lying
  27. Spirit of God, That Moved of Old
  28. St. Patrick’s Breastplate
  29. Still Bright and Blue Doth Jordan Flow
  30. There Is a Green Hill Far Away
  31. There Is One Way
  32. Up in Heaven
  33. We Are But Little Children Weak
  34. We Are Little Christ­ian Children
  35. We Were Washed in Ho­ly Water
  36. When Christ Came Down on Earth of Old
  37. When of Old the Jewish Mothers
  38. When Wound­ed Sore the Strick­en Heart
  39. Within the Church­yard, Side by Side