Born: Cir­ca 340, Au­gus­ta Tre­ver­or­um, in the Rom­an pro­vince of Gaul. To­day the ci­ty of Trier, Ger­ma­ny, stands there.

Died: East­er Eve, 397, Mi­lan, It­a­ly.

Buried: Ba­sil­i­ca Sant’Am­bro­gio, Mi­lan, It­a­ly, in a glass cof­fin, be­tween the mar­tyrs Ger­va­si­us and Pro­ta­is.

Ambrose was a Rom­an cit­i­zen, son of a Ro­man pre­fect in Gal­lia Nar­bo­nen­sis. At age 34, he was ap­point­ed gov­er­nor of north­ern It­a­ly. In 374, Am­brose was se­lect­ed as bi­shop of Mi­lan by pop­u­lar ac­claim. His hymns first came to wide­spread no­tice in a stand­off be­tween him and Em­press Just­in­a, who had sent sol­diers to ar­rest him. Am­brose and his faith­ful flock stayed in the sanc­tu­ary of the church for days, sing­ing and pray­ing. The em­press lost the test of wills, and Ambrose’s hymns have lived for mil­len­nia.



  1. Aeterna Christi munera
  2. Aeterna coeli gloria
  3. Aurora jam spargit polum
  4. Aurora lucis rutilat
  5. Christe, qui lux es et dies
  6. Deus Creator omnium
  7. Iam lucis orto sidere
  8. Jam Christus astra ascenderat
  9. Jesu Corona Virginum
  10. Morn­ing Kindles All the Sky, The
  11. Now Hail We Our Redeemer
  12. Nunc Sancte nobis Spiritus
  13. O Trin­i­ty of Blessed Light
  14. Rec­tor potens, verax Deus
  15. Rerum Deus tenax vigor
  16. Sermone blando Angelus
  17. Splendor paternae gloriae
  18. Te lucis ante terminum
  19. Veni, Redemptor gentium