Born: 1808, Mad­e­ley, Shrop­shire, Eng­land.

Died: Feb­ru­a­ry 29, 1836, Tor­quay, Eng­land.

Anstice at­tend­ed En­more, near Bridg­wa­ter, West­min­ster, and Christ Church, Ox­ford, where he won two priz­es in Eng­lish and grad­u­at­ed as a “dou­ble first.” At age 22, he be­came Pro­fess­or of Class­ic­al Lit­er­a­ture at King’s Coll­ege, Lon­don. His works in­clude:

Anstice’s hymns were pub­lished post­hu­mous­ly as Hymns by the late Joseph Anstice, M.A., formerly Stu­dent of Christ Church, Ox­ford, and Pro­fess­or of Clas­sic­al Lit­er­a­ture, Ox­ford, and Pro­fess­or of Class­ic­al Lit­er­a­ture, King’s Coll­ege, Lon­don (Bridg­wa­ter: 1836), with this in­tro­duct­ion:

As none of the fol­low­ing Hymns had the ad­van­tage of be­ing cor­rect­ed and pre­pared for the press by their la­ment­ed Au­thor, his fam­i­ly have not con­sid­ered them­selves at lib­er­ty to bring them be­fore the pub­lic; but, hav­ing rea­son to be­lieve that a large circle of sur­viv­ing friends will be gra­ti­fied by pos­sess­ing a me­mor­i­al of the man­ner in which some of his lei­sure hours were em­ployed, and of the sub­jects which chief­ly oc­cu­pied his thoughts, dur­ing the last few months of his life, they have con­sent­ed to their be­ing print­ed for pri­vate dis­tri­bu­tion. Bridg­wa­ter, June, 1836.

The work con­tains 52 hymns, and a poem “To My Hymn Book.” The cir­cum­stanc­es un­der which Anstice wrote the hymns were out­lined in a let­ter from Mrs. Anstice to Jo­si­ah Mil­ler, au­thor of Singers and Songs of the Church:

The hymns were all dic­tat­ed to his wife dur­ing the last few weeks of his life, and were co­mposed just at the per­i­od of the day (the af­ter­noon) when he felt the op­press­ion of his ill­ness—all his bright­er morn­ing hours be­ing given to pu­pils up to the very day of his death.



  1. Darkly Rose the Guilty Morning
  2. Father, by Thy Love and Power
  3. In All Things Like Thy Brethren, Thou
  4. Lord of the Harvest, Once Again
  5. Lord, Thou in All Things Like Wast Made
  6. O Lord! How Happy Should We Be
  7. Son of Da­vid Bowed to Die, The
  8. When Came in Flesh the Incarnate Word
