Born: Near St. Pe­ter and St. Paul mon­as­te­ry, Wear­mouth-Jar­row, Eng­land.

Died: 735.

Buried: At the mon­as­te­ry of St. Paul at Jar­row in 735. In 1022, his bones were brought to Dur­ham. Then, in 1370, his re­mains were moved to the Ga­li­lee Cha­pel. This shrine was de­stroyed dur­ing the Re­for­ma­tion in 1540, and Bede’s bones re­in­terred in a grave where the shrine had stood.

Bede be­came a monk and was or­dained at age thir­ty. He de­vot­ed him­self to the stu­dy of Script­ure and to teach­ing and writ­ing. He is con­sid­ered one of the most learned men of his time, and a ma­jor in­flu­ence on Eng­lish lit­er­a­ture. He wrote com­ment­ar­ies on the Pen­ta­teuch and var­i­ous other books of the Bi­ble, the­o­log­ic­al and sci­en­tif­ic treat­ises, his­tor­ic­al works, and bi­og­ra­phies. His best known work is His­tor­ia Ec­cles­i­as­tic­a, a his­tory of the Eng­lish church and peo­ple. Called “Ven­er­able” to ack­nowl­edge his wis­dom and learn­ing, the ti­tle was for­mal­ized at the Coun­cil of Aach­en in 853. He was a care­ful schol­ar and has been called the “fa­ther” of Eng­lish his­to­ry, the first to date events An­no Do­mi­ni (A.D.)



  1. Hymn for Con­quer­ing Mar­tyrs Raise, The
  2. Hymnum ca­na­mus Do­mi­no
  3. Praecursor al­tus lu­mi­nis