Born: December 14, 1875, Nottingham, England.

Died: December 30, 1959, Hindhead, Surrey, England.

A grad­u­ate of Em­man­u­el Coll­ege, Cam­bridge, Briggs served as Cur­ate at Wake­field, York; a Roy­al Na­vy cha­plain (1902-9); Vi­car of St. An­drew’s, Nor­wich; Re­ctor of Lough­bo­rough (1918); Ca­non of Lei­ces­ter Ca­thed­ral (1927-34); Ca­non of Wor­ces­ter (1934-56); and helped found the Hymn So­ci­e­ty of Great Bri­tain and Ire­land. His works ap­peared in:



  1. God Hath Spok­en by His Pro­phets
  2. Our Father, by Whose Ser­vants
