Born: Can­ter­bu­ry, Kent, Eng­land (bap­tized Feb­ru­a­ry 5, 1775).

Died: May 30, 1859, at his home in St. George’s Street, Can­ter­bu­ry, Kent, Eng­land.

A cob­bler and choir train­er, Clark led the sing­ing of the Psalms at the Wes­ley­an Cha­pel, Can­ter­bu­ry, and lat­er at the Uni­tar­i­an Church in Can­ter­bu­ry. It has been claimed he nev­er ac­tu­al­ly joined the Un­i­tar­i­ans, though he sym­pa­thized with them, and he re­signed from the Meth­od­ists. Clark wrote a num­ber of an­thems, in­clud­ing “Awake Up, My Glory,” “Daugh­ter of Zi­on” and “Since I Have Placed My Trust.” His other works in­clude:



  1. Acton
  2. Burnham
  3. Crediton
  4. Greenland
  5. Pembroke
  6. Warsaw
