Born: Au­gust 28, 1816, Baltimore, Maryland.

Died: November 25, 1882, Washington, DC.

Son of Meth­od­ist preach­er Lu­ther J. Cox and brother of Samuel Cox, Christ­o­pher grad­u­at­ed from Yale Coll­ege (1835) and med­ic­al school in Bal­ti­more (1838), then stu­died me­di­cine in Hei­del­berg, Ger­ma­ny. He served as a doc­tor and as Sur­geon Gen­er­al of the Ar­my of the Po­to­mac in the Amer­i­can ci­vil war, and was lat­er elect­ed Lieu­te­nant Gov­er­nor of the state of Ma­ry­land (1865-1868). He went on to serve as the first chair­man of the Board of Health in Wash­ing­ton, DC, and as Com­mis­sion­er of Pen­sions.



  1. Silently the Shades of Evening

If you know Cox’ burial place