Born: Cir­ca 1573, Bread Street, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Buried: St. Paul’s Cathedral.

Educated at Hart Hall (now Hert­ford Coll­ege), Ox­ford, and at the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Cam­bridge, Donne was one of the best known Ja­co­be­an poets. Raised a Ro­man Ca­tho­lic, he moved to the Ang­li­can church at age 19. He act­ed for some time as Sec­re­ta­ry to Lord Chan­cel­lor Elles­mere. At the de­sire of King James, he took Ho­ly Orders, and in 1617 be­came preach­er at Lin­coln’s Inn. In 1621, he be­came Dean of St. Paul’s, and soon af­ter­ward Vi­car of St. Dun­stan’s in the West.



  1. Wilt Thou Forgive?