Born: De­cem­ber 1620, Darm­stadt, Thu­rin­gia (Ger­ma­ny).

Died: Feb­ru­a­ry 15, 1701, Arn­stadt, Thu­rin­gia.

Drese stu­died mu­sic in War­saw, Po­land, un­der the Ital­i­an Mar­co Sac­chi. He went on to be­come Ka­pell­meis­ter to Duke Wil­helm IV of Wei­mar and, in 1662 to Duke Bern­hard of Je­na. Drese moved to Arn­stadt in 1683, where he joined the Pi­e­tist move­ment. He burned his oper­as and de­vot­ed much of his time to the Pi­e­tists, who oft­en met at his home. Four­teen of his hymn tunes ap­peared in Mu­sik­al­isch­es Lust­wäld­lein (1652-1657), by Georg Neu­mark.



  1. Seelenbräutigam
