Born: De­cem­ber 26, 1926, Man­ches­ter, Eng­land.

After attend­ing Pem­broke Coll­ege and Rid­ley Hall, Cam­bridge, took Ho­ly Orders in 1950, and served as Cur­ate of St. Paul’s, Ro­ches­ter (1950-3); head of the Cam­bridge Un­i­ver­si­ty Miss­ion in Ber­mond­sey (1953-5); hon­or­a­ry chap­lain to the Bi­shop of Ro­ches­ter (1953-60); ed­it­or­i­al sec­re­ta­ry of the Evan­gel­i­cal All­i­ance and ed­it­or of Cru­sade (1953-60); sec­re­ta­ry of the Church Pas­tor-Aid So­ci­e­ty (1959-73); arch­dea­con of Nor­wich (1973-81); and Bi­shop of Thet­ford, Nor­folk (1982-92). His works in­clude:



  1. Behold a Broken World, We Pray
  2. Christ Be My Leader
  3. I Lift My Eyes to the Quiet Hills
  4. Not for Tongues of Heaven’s Angels
  5. Purple Robe, A
  6. Sing a New Song to the Lord
  7. Tell Out, My Soul
  8. When John Baptized by Jordan’s River