Born: No­vem­ber 12, 1852, Man­ches­ter, Eng­land.

Died: Jan­u­a­ry 23, 1941, High Sal­ving­ton, Worth­ing, Sus­sex, Eng­land.


Dunkerley at­tend­ed Old Traf­ford School and Vic­tor­ia Un­i­ver­si­ty in Man­ches­ter. As a bus­i­ness­man, he lived in France for a time, but upon re­turn­ing to Eng­land he took up writ­ing full time. He was an ex­pert mount­ain climb­er, and served as dea­con and teach­er at the Eu­ling Con­gre­ga­tion­al Church in Lon­don. Among his more than 40 nov­els and books of verse are:



  1. All Labor Gained New Dignity (1925)
  2. In Christ There Is No East or West
  3. Lord God of Hosts, Whose Mighty Hand
  4. ’Mid All the Traf­fic of the Ways
  5. My Own Dear Land
  6. O God, Within Whose Sight
  7. Peace in Our Time, O Lord (1938)
  8. Two Views, The
