Born: March 27, 1816, Can­ter­bu­ry, Eng­land.

Died: De­cem­ber 9, 1893, Win­dles­ham, Sur­rey, Eng­land.

Buried: St. George’s Cha­pel, Wind­sor, Eng­land.

Born in­to a mu­sic­al fam­i­ly, El­vey start­ed his ca­reer as a boy, sing­ing at Can­ter­bury Ca­thed­ral. La­ter, he re­ceived more for­mal train­ing at the Roy­al Acad­e­my of Mu­sic. Around 1835, he was ap­point­ed “mas­ter of the boys” and or­gan­ist at St. George’s Cha­pel, Wind­sor, Eng­land (one of his tunes, “St George’s Wind­sor” takes its name from this lo­ca­tion). He served at St. George’s for al­most half a cen­tu­ry. He was knight­ed in 1871 for his Fes­tiv­al March, played at the wed­ding of Princ­ess Lou­ise.



  1. Come, Ye Lofty
  2. Diademata
  3. Pilgrimage
  4. Rock of Ages
  5. St. Crispin
  6. St. George’s Windsor
  7. Sunninghill
  8. Urswicke