Born: Oc­to­ber 14, 1835, Bal­ti­more, Mary­land.

Died: Au­gust 13, 1912, Phil­a­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia.

Son of a German im­mi­grant, Fischer showed mu­sic­al abil­i­ty at an early age. When he was eight years old, he be­gan sing­ing in a Ger­man church in Bal­t­imore. He learned to read mu­sic in a church sing­ing class, and af­ter­wards stu­died pi­ano and or­gan. He learned book­bind­ing at J. B. Lip­pin­cott’s in Phil­a­delphia, Penn­syl­van­ia, but spent his even­ings stu­dy­ing and prac­tic­ing music. He was an ex­per­i­enced train­er and lead­er of large bo­dies of sing­ers of all ages, and was much sought af­ter to lead choirs and chor­us­es in sac­red music in Phil­a­del­phia. He al­so taught sing­ing, pi­ano and mu­sic the­ory. He was close­ly con­nect­ed with Welsh mu­sic fes­tiv­als, and di­rect­ed the com­bined Welsh So­ci­e­ties at the bi­cen­ten­ni­al of the land­ing of Wil­liam Penn (founder of Penn­syl­van­ia).

From 1858-1868, Fischer was Pro­fes­sor of Mu­sic at Gir­ard Coll­ege. Before leav­ing Gir­ard Coll­ege, he start­ed in the pi­ano bus­i­ness, where he built up one of the most pros­per­ous piano houses in the count­ry. He was part­ner with John E. Gould until Gould’s death in 1875. From that time, Fischer was sole pro­pri­e­tor of the bus­i­ness for a num­ber of years, when he took his old­est son, Charles, into part­ner­ship. He fin­al­ly re­tired in 1898, and was suc­ceeded by his son.



  1. God Loved the World
  2. I Love to Tell the Story
  3. I Am Coming to the Cross
  4. I Am Trusting, Lord, in Thee
  5. Little Talk with Jesus, A
  6. O, ’Twas Love, Wondrous Love
  7. Rock That Is Higher Than I, The
  8. Valley of Blessing, The
  9. Waiting at the Pool
  10. Whiter Than Snow

If you know Fischer’s burial place