Born: May 15, 1856, Par­is, Ill­i­nois.

Died: No­vem­ber 15, 1925, Ter­race Park, Ohio.

Buried: Mi­lford, Ohio.

Fillmore and his bro­thers found­ed the Fill­more Bro­thers Mu­sic House in Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio. He had a won­der­ful voice, and as an ef­fect­ive Gos­pel sing­er was un­sur­passed in his day. James and Charles Fill­more were his bro­thers.



  1. Are You Sow­ing the Seed?
  2. No Other One Like Je­sus


  1. Bad Can­statt
  2. Beautiful Star
  3. In the De­sert of Sor­row and Sin