Born: De­cem­ber 2, 1670, Gan­ders­heim, Harz Mount­ains, Ger­ma­ny.

Died: Feb­ru­a­ry 12, 1739, Halle, Ger­ma­ny.

Freylinghausen stu­died the­ol­o­gy at the Uni­ver­si­ties of Jena (1689), and Halle (1692). In 1695 he start­ed work at the or­phan­age and Pä­da­go­gi­um (edu­ca­tion­al in­sti­tute) of Halle an der Saale. He mar­ried the di­rect­or’s daugh­ter and him­self be­came di­rect­or in 1727. He was al­so pas­tor at St. Ul­rich Church in Halle.

Freyling­hausen wrote and com­posed 44 hymns. In 1697, he pub­lished the first edi­tion of his Geist­reiches Ge­sang­buch (Spirit­ual Hymn­al). The 1704 edi­tion in­clud­ed 683 hymns (83 of them by Paul Gerhardt) with 174 hymn tunes. This was the most im­port­ant hymn col­lect­ion of the Pi­e­tis­tic per­i­od of Lu­ther­an hym­no­dy. In the fol­low­ing de­cades, more hymns were add­ed, and by 1741 it had 1,581 hymns with 597 tunes.



  1. Das Ist Meine Freude
  2. Dir, Dir, Jehovah
  3. Gott Sei Dank durch Alle Welt
  4. Irene
  5. Jesus Ist das Schönste Licht
  6. Lobe Den Herren, O Meine Seele
  7. Macht Hoch die Tür
  8. Sebastian
