Born: Cir­ca 952, prob­ab­ly in ei­ther Rome, It­a­ly, or in Gard, France.

Died: Ap­ril 10, 1028, Chartres, France.

Fulbert was ed­u­cat­ed in Rheims un­der Gerbert, who lat­er be­came Pope Syl­ves­ter II. In 990, Ful­bert opened a school in Chartres which drew schol­ars from all over Eur­ope. He al­so served as chan­cel­lor of the church of Chartres, trea­sur­er of St. Hil­ary’s at Poi­tiers, and in 1007, be­came Bi­shop of Chartres. His col­lect­ed works were pub­lished in Par­is in 1608.


  1. Chorus no­vae Ieru­sa­lem
