Born: Au­gust 18, 1856, Wil­ton, Io­wa.

Died: Sep­tem­ber 15, 1932, Los An­ge­les, Cal­i­for­nia.

Buried: Gabriel’s ash­es were in­terred at the Cha­pel of the Pines, Los An­ge­les, Cal­i­forn­ia.


  • H. A. Hen­ry
  • Char­lotte G. Hom­er
  • S. B. Jack­son

Growing up on an Io­wa farm, Ga­bri­el taught him­self to play the fam­i­ly’s reed or­gan. He be­gan teach­ing in sing­ing schools by age 16, and be­came well known as a teach­er and com­pos­er. He served as mu­sic di­rect­or at Grace Meth­od­ist Epis­co­pal Church, San Fran­cis­co, Cal­i­for­nia (1890-2), then moved to Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois. In 1912 he be­gan work­ing with Hom­er Ro­de­heav­er’s pub­lish­ing com­pa­ny. His ed­it­ed some 43 song books, 7 men’s chor­us books, 19 an­them col­lect­ions, and 23 can­ta­tas. His works in­clude:



  1. All Hail, Thou Son of David! (© 1928)
  2. All Things Are Ready
  3. Calling the Prodigal
  4. Growing Dearer Each Day
  5. His Grace Is Sufficient for Me
  6. I Never Will Cease to Love Him
  7. I Stand Amazed in the Presence
  8. I Will Not Forget Thee
  9. Jesus, Blessed Jesus
  10. More Abundantly
  11. Slighted Stranger, The
  12. O That Will Be Glory
  13. Oh, It Is Wonderful
  14. Reapers Are Needed
  15. Receive My Cry (© 1924)
  16. Secret Prayer
  17. Send the Light
  18. Some Glad Morning (© 1926)
  19. Story Never Old, The
  20. What a Savior!
  21. Wonderful Story, The


  1. Adowa
  2. All Hail to Thee, Immanuel!
  3. Americus
  4. Are You Ready for the Coming?
  5. Arles
  6. Aspinwall
  7. As a Volunteer
  8. Avondale
  9. Awakening Chorus
  10. Be Not Afraid
  11. Beautiful Sunshine
  12. Because I Love Jesus
  13. Breath of the Spirit, The
  14. Brighten the Corner Where You Are
  15. Call of the Christ, The
  16. Carry Your Cross with a Smile
  17. Chios
  18. Christ Shall Be King
  19. Comfort
  20. Coming Home to Thee
  21. Dear Little Strang­er
  22. Erskine
  23. Evening Pray­er, An
  24. Gabriel
  25. Gather the Grain
  26. Get Right with God
  27. Go Forth
  28. Go to the Deeps of God’s Pro­mise
  29. Hanford
  30. He Supplieth All of My Need
  31. He’ll Walk with Me All the Way
  32. Help Somebody To­day
  33. Here Am I, Send Me
  34. Higher Ground
  35. His Eye Is on the Spar­row
  36. Hold Fast
  37. Hold Up the Grand Old Bi­ble
  38. Holy Sab­bath
  39. I Need Jesus (© 1924)
  40. In Loving-Kindness Jesus Came
  41. In Thy Holy Keep­ing
  42. Jesus, Rose of Shar­on
  43. Just a Little
  44. Kathrine
  45. Knowhead
  46. Leaving All to Fol­low Je­sus
  47. Let the Joy Over­flow
  48. Let the Sun­shine In
  49. Like Dews of the Morn­ing
  50. Little Sun­beams
  51. Love Led Him to Calvary (© 1924)
  52. Make Him Known
  53. Make Somebody Happy Today
  54. My Only Plea
  55. Não tardará a volta do Senhor
  56. Lansing
  57. Loyalty unto Christ
  58. No Other Sto­ry
  59. Only in Thee
  60. Our Land for Christ
  61. Over and Over Again
  62. Pentecostal Pow­er
  63. Pray, Pray
  64. Pressly
  65. Precious to Me
  66. Sail On!
  67. Sarah
  68. Since Jesus Came into My Heart
  69. Sing Away the Shadows
  70. Singing, Speaking, Praying
  71. Sinner Made Whole, A
  72. Someone Is Look­ing to You
  73. There Is Glo­ry in My Soul
  74. Thy Bro­ther Calls to Thee
  75. Thy King­dom Come
  76. Up and On­ward
  77. Volunteers for Service
  78. Way of the Cross
  79. When I Look in His Face
  80. Where the Gates Swing Out­ward Ne­ver
  81. Will the Cir­cle Be Un­brok­en?