Born: Jan­u­a­ry 19, 1836, Lon­don­der­ry, Ire­land.

Died: May 20, 1920, Del­air, New Jer­sey, af­ter a bug­gy ac­ci­dent.

Buried: We­no­nah Cem­e­tery, We­no­nah, New Jer­sey.

Gilmour em­i­grat­ed to Amer­i­ca as a teen­ag­er. He start­ed work­ing as a paint­er, then served in the Amer­ican civ­il war, where he was cap­tured and spent sev­eral months in the Con­fed­er­ate Lib­bey Pri­son. Af­ter the war, he be­came a den­tist. In 1869, he moved to We­no­nah, New Jer­sey, and helped found the We­no­nah Meth­od­ist Church in 1885. For four de­cades, he di­rect­ed the choir at the Pit­man Grove Camp Meet­ing, and worked at camp meet­ings and re­viv­als in Mount­ain Lake Park, Mar­y­land, and Ridge­view Park, Penn­syl­van­ia. His works in­clude:



  1. Haven of Rest
  2. He Brought Me Out
  3. Jesus, I’ll Go Through with Thee
  4. Like a Mighty Sea
  5. Saved from the Wreck
  6. Watchman, Blow the Gospel Trumpet
  7. When Israel Out of Bondage Came