Nikolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig


Nikolai F. S. Grundtvig (1783-1872)

Born: Sep­tem­ber 8, 1783, Ud­by, Zea­land, Den­mark.

Died: Sep­tem­ber 2, 1872, Co­pen­ha­gen, Den­mark.

Buried: Sep­tem­ber 11, 1872. Af­ter a fun­er­al at Vor Frel­sers Church in Co­pen­ha­gen, the cof­fin was tak­en by train to the town of Kø­ge. The bur­i­al site was about three kil­o­me­ters out­side town, at the farm of Gl. Kø­ge­gaard, in a gar­den named Clar­as Ha­ve.

Nikolai F. S. Grundtvig (1783-1872)

Grundtvig earned his the­ol­o­gy de­gree from the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Co­pen­ha­gen, but was not des­tined for the life of a pas­tor. He was or­dained in 1811, but the out­cry from two ear­ly, con­tro­ver­si­al ser­mons caused him to aban­don the pul­pit in fa­vor of a chap­lain­cy at a wo­men’s home. How­ev­er, he wrote pro­fus­ely, pro­duc­ing works on Norse myth­ol­o­gy and over 1,000 hymns. Grundt­vig be­came a bi­shop in 1861, but ne­ver re­ceived a di­o­cese.



  1. Dejlig er den him­mel blå
  2. Det Ki­mer Nu Til Jule-Fest
  3. Guds Ord det er vort Ar­ver­gods
  4. I Know a Flower So Fair and Fine
  5. Kirken Den Er Gam­melt Hus
  6. Som Hø­nen kluk­ker min­de­lig