Born: Jan­u­a­ry 12,1834, Clap­ham, Middlesex , Eng­land.

Died: May 9, 1911, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Daughter of banker’s Thom­as Hank­ey, Kath­er­ine (known to her friends as Kate) be­longed to an evan­gel­ic­al group known as the Clap­ham Sect. The group was main­ly known for its an­ti-slav­ery and pro-mis­sion­ary stanc­es. While still a teen­ag­er, Hank­ey taught Sun­day school for girls. Lat­er, she tra­veled to South Af­ri­ca to be a nurse, and to help her in­val­id bro­ther.

In her early 30’s, Hankey con­tract­ed a se­vere ill­ness. Dur­ing her pro­tract­ed re­cov­ery, she wrote a long po­em about Je­sus. It is in two parts, with the first, 50 stan­zas in length, ask­ing about Him, and the se­cond an­swer­ing the quest­ion. I Love to Tell the Sto­ry and Tell Me the Old, Old Sto­ry both come from this po­em.

As of 1881, Hank­ey was liv­ing with her un­mar­ried brother Reginald at 78 Ebury Street, London, Middlesex.



  1. Advent Tells Us, Christ Is Near
  2. I Love to Tell the Story
  3. I Saw Him Leave His Father’s Throne
  4. Tell Me the Old, Old Story
