Baptized: Sep­tem­ber 14, 1737, Rohr­au, Aus­tria.

Died: Au­gust 10, 1806, Salz­burg, Aus­tria.

Buried: St. Pe­ter’s Church, Salz­burg, Aus­tria.

Brother of com­pos­er Franz Hay­dn, Johann be­gan sing­ing as a chor­ist­er at St. Ste­phen’s, Vi­en­na, around 1745. While there, he stu­died vi­o­lin, cla­vier, and coun­ter­point. In 1757, he was ap­point­ed to the court of the Bishop of Gross­ward­ein (now north­ern Ro­mania). In 1763, he won an ap­point­ment as Konzertmeister to Arch­bi­shop Schrat­ten­bach of Salz­burg. He al­so played the or­gan at the Drei­fal­tig­keits Church in Salz­burg, and taught vi­o­lin at the court. The Roy­al Swed­ish Acad­e­my of Mu­sic in­duct­ed him in 1804. Haydn’s works in­clude over 400 piec­es of re­li­gious mu­sic, plus:



  1. Befiehl
  2. Greenland
  3. Ho­ly Communion
  4. Lyons
  5. Offertorium
  6. Salzburg
  7. Venice
  8. Worship