Born: Jan­u­a­ry 28, 1791, Par­is, France.

Died: Jan­u­a­ry 19, 1833, Thernes, France, of tu­ber­cu­lo­sis.

Buried: Père La­chaise Cem­e­te­ry, Par­is, France.

Son of a pi­a­no teach­er and com­pos­er, Hérold en­rolled at the Par­is Con­serv­a­to­ry in 1806; he won the Prix de Rome in 1812. He then spent a year and a half in Na­ples, Ita­ly, try­ing to re­cov­er from ill­ness. While there, he taught the king’s daugh­ters and pro­duced an op­era. Af­ter re­turn­ing to Par­is, he wrote op­er­as, sym­pho­nies, con­cert­os, so­na­tas, and other mu­sic. His works in­clude:



  1. Messiah