Born: De­cem­ber 21, 1754, Brec­cles Hall, Nor­folk, Eng­land.

Died: Oc­to­ber 9, 1829.

Hurn was ap­point­ed as a class­ic­al tu­tor at the Free Gram­mar School, Ded­ham, Ess­ex, in 1777. He joined the ar­my in 1779, but re­signed his com­mis­sion in 1780. Bi­shop Young of Nor­wich or­dained him in 1781. Af­ter hold­ing var­i­ous cur­a­cies, in­clud­ing Beigh­ton, Broome, and Stow­mar­ket, he be­came Vi­car of Deb­en­ham, Suf­folk, in 1790. He re­signed this post in Oc­to­ber 1822, and in Ap­ril 1823, be­came pas­tor of the Con­gre­ga­tion­al cha­pel at Wood­bridge, where he re­mained the rest of his life. His works in­clude:



  1. Angels Rejoiced and Sweetly Sung
  2. Rise, Gracious God, and Shine
  3. God of Truth His Church Has Blest, The
