Born: March 1, 1764, Andover, Mass­a­chu­setts.

Died: Ap­ril 6, 1828, Hancock, Vermont.

Buried: Rochester, Vermont.

Ingalls moved to New­bury, Ver­mont, in 1787, and in 1791 be­gan lead­ing the sing­ing at the First Church there. The choir be­came quite well known, and peo­ple came from miles around to hear them. In 1803 In­galls be­came a dea­con, though he was re­moved and ex­com­mu­ni­cat­ed in 1810. He had run a ta­vern for a num­ber of years, but sold it and moved to Ro­ches­ter, Ver­mont, af­ter his fall­ing out with the church. His works in­clude:



  1. Fillmore
  2. I Love Thee
  3. Kentucky
  4. Northfield
  5. Vernon