Born: May 28, 1789, Thor Kild­strup, Fal­ster Is­land, Den­mark.

Died: Feb­ru­a­ry 24, 1862.

Buried: Klos­ter­kirk­en, So­rö, Zea­land, Den­mark.

From 1822 un­til his death, Inge­mann was Pro­fess­or of Dan­ish Lang­uage and Lit­er­a­ture at the Acad­e­my of Sorö, Zea­land, Den­mark. He was al­so a not­ed po­et: his col­lected works, pub­lished in 1851, fill 34 vol­umes.



  1. Glade jul, dejlige jul
  2. Julen har bragt velsignet bud
  3. Igjennem Nat og Traengsel