Born: Cir­ca 1450, Flan­ders.

Died: March 26, 1517, Flor­ence, It­a­ly.

Buried: St. Ma­ria del Servi, Flor­ence, It­a­ly.

Pseudonym: Arrigo il Tedesco.

A com­pos­er, Isaac spent most of his life in Italy, though he great­ly in­flu­enced the Ger­manic mu­sic tra­di­tion. In 1497, he be­came court com­pos­er to Max­i­mil­i­an I. In 1485, he be­gan his long as­so­ci­a­tion with the Med­i­ci fam­i­ly in Flor­ence when he joined the Cantori di San Giovanni, sing­ing in the ca­thed­ral and lo­cal church­es. He con­tin­ued to trav­el be­tween Italy and the Ger­man­ic count­ries, and wrote Mass Or­din­ar­ies, cy­cles for the Prop­er of the Mass, mo­tets, and doz­ens of sec­u­lar songs. His works in­clude:



  1. Innsbruck
  2. O Welt, Ich Muss Dich Lassen