Born: Au­gust 11, 1873, Jack­son­ville, Flor­i­da.

Died: No­vem­ber 11, 1954, New York, New York.

Johnson at­tend­ed At­lan­ta Un­i­ver­si­ty and the New Eng­land Con­serv­a­tory of Mu­sic. He and his bro­ther James be­longed to the song writ­ing team of Cole and John­son Bro­thers, writ­ing over 200 songs. He al­so ed­it­ed a num­ber of col­lect­ions of Af­ri­can-Amer­i­can mu­sic.



  1. Lift Every Voice and Sing

If you know John­son’s bur­i­al place