Born: Au­gust 7, 1868, Meck­len­burg, Schwer­in, Ger­ma­ny.

Died: Feb­ru­a­ry 20, 1953, Pasadena, Cal­i­for­nia.

Buried: Forest Lawn Cem­e­te­ry, Glendale, Cal­i­for­nia.

Lehman em­i­grat­ed to Amer­i­ca with his fam­i­ly at age four, set­tling in Io­wa, where he lived most of child­hood. He came to Christ at age 11, as he re­lates:

One glad morn­ing about elev­en o’clock while walk­ing up the coun­try lane, skirt­ed by a wild crab-ap­ple grove on the right and an osage fence, with an old white-elm gate in a gap at the left, sud­den­ly Hea­ven let a cor­nu­co­pia of glo­ry de­scend on the ele­ven-year old lad. The wild crab-ap­ple grove as­sumed a heav­en­ly glow and the osage fence an un­earth­ly lust­re. That old white-elm gate with its sun-warped boards gleamed and glowed like sil­ver bars to shut out the world and shut him in with the ’form of the fourth,’ just come in­to his heart. The weight of con­vict­ion was gone and the pae­ans of joy and praise fell from his lips.

Lehman stu­died for the min­is­try at North­west­ern Coll­ege in Na­per­ville, Il­li­nois, and pas­tored at Au­du­bon, Io­wa; New Lon­don, In­di­a­na; and Kan­sas Ci­ty, Mis­sou­ri. The ma­jor­i­ty of his life was de­vot­ed to writ­ing sac­red songs; his first was writ­ten while a pas­tor in Kings­ley, Io­wa, in 1898. He wrote and pub­lished hun­dreds of songs, and com­piled five song books. In 1911, he moved to Kan­sas Ci­ty, where he helped found the Na­za­rene Pub­lish­ing House.


  1. Love of God, The
  2. Royal Tel­e­phone, The
  3. There’s No Dis­ap­point­ment in Hea­ven