Born: March 8, 1862, Row­ley, Mass­a­chu­setts.

Died: De­cem­ber 16, 1935, At­lan­ta, Georg­ia.

Buried: West­view Cem­e­te­ry, At­lan­ta, Georg­ia.

Husband of hymn­ist Civilla Martin, Still­man at­tend­ed Har­vard Un­i­ver­si­ty and was or­dained a Bap­tist min­is­ter, though he lat­er switched to the Di­sci­ples of Christ de­nom­in­a­tion. In 1916, he be­came a pro­fess­or of Bi­ble stu­dies at At­lan­tic Christ­ian Coll­ege in Wil­son, North Car­o­lina. Three years lat­er, he moved to At­lan­ta, Georg­ia. It was from there he went all over Amer­i­ca to run Bi­ble con­fer­enc­es and evan­gel­is­tic meet­ings.



  1. Durfee
  2. God Will Take Care of You
  3. Going Home
  4. Old-Fashioned Way, The
  5. One of God’s Days
  6. Sitting at the Feet of Jesus (© 1933)