Born: June 6, 1901, Bel­gra­via, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Died: Ju­ly 20, 1953, Pres­by­ter­i­an Hos­pi­tal, New York Ci­ty.

Buried: Whit­church (near Ayles­bu­ry), Buck­ing­ham­shire, Eng­land.

Pseudonym: Jan Struther.

Joyce was the young­er of two child­ren born to Har­ry (Hen­ry) Tor­rens An­stru­ther, Mem­ber of Par­lia­ment and his wife (lat­er Dame) Eva An­stru­ther (née Han­bu­ry-Tra­cy). She spent her child­hood in Whit­church, and was ed­u­cat­ed pri­vate­ly in Lon­don. In class, she used to sit be­hind Eliz­a­beth Bowes-Ly­on (the fu­ture Queen Eliz­a­beth, the Queen Mo­ther) and would oc­ca­sion­al­ly dip the long tresse­s of “roy­al” hair in­to the ink-well. In lat­er life, when quizzed about this by an An­stru­ther fam­i­ly mem­ber, the ever-tact­ful Queen Mo­ther de­clared that she could re­call no­thing of it!

Struther con­trib­ut­ed twelve hymns to Songs of Praise (Lon­don: 1931). Her other works in­clude:



  1. Daisies Are Our Sil­ver
  2. God, Whose Eter­nal Mind
  3. High o’er the Lone­ly Hills
  4. Lord of All Hope­ful­ness, Lord of All Joy
  5. O Saint of Sum­mer, What Can We Bring for You?
  6. Round the Earth a Mess­age Runs
  7. Sing, All Ye Christ­ian People!
  8. Unto Mary, De­mon-Haunt­ed
  9. We Thank You, Lord of Hea­ven
  10. When a Knight Won His Spurs, in the Stor­ies of Old
  11. When Ma­ry Brought Her Trea­sure
  12. When Ste­phen, Full of Pow­er and Grace