Born: De­cem­ber 13, 1819, Frome, Som­er­set, Eng­land.

Died: Jan­u­a­ry 3, 1900, Rad­ley, Eng­land (near Ox­ford).

Monk stu­died at Bath and in Lon­don with George Mac­far­ren for the­o­ry, and Hen­ry Phill­ips for sing­ing. He then be­came or­gan­ist at Mid­som­er Nor­ton church, then Christ Church, Frome. He was or­gan­ist, pre­cent­or and Mas­ter of Mu­sic at St. Co­lum­ba’s, Rath­farn­ham, Dub­lin (1844), and three years lat­er at Rad­ley Coll­ege. He was ap­point­ed to York Min­ster in 1858, suc­ceed­ing John Cam­idge. He re­signed af­ter 25 years ser­vice and re­turned to Rad­ley, where he spent the rest of his life. He ed­it­ed:



  1. Angel Voices (Monk)
  2. Hopkins
