Born: May 14, 1885, Green­ville, Miss­iss­ip­pi.

Died: Jan­u­a­ry 21, 1942, Green­ville, Miss­iss­ip­pi.

Son of an Amer­i­can sen­at­or, Per­cy at­tend­ed the Un­i­ver­si­ty of the South and Har­vard Un­i­ver­si­ty. He prac­ticed law with his fa­ther for a while, and par­ti­ci­pat­ed the Commission for Relief in Bel­gium dur­ing World War I. He also served in the United States Army, and was promoted to captain in the 37th Di­vi­sion in 1918, and re­ceived the French Croix de Guerre. He re­turned to Green­ville, Miss­iss­ip­pi, af­ter the war and wrote po­e­try. He is al­so re­mem­bered for his lead­er­ship dur­ing the Miss­iss­ip­pi floods of 1927, and for his op­po­si­tion to the Ku Klux Klan. His works in­clude:



  1. They Cast Their Nets in Galilee (1924)

If you know Percy’s bur­i­al place