Born: Feb­ru­a­ry 27, 1859, Burns­ville, Miss­is­sip­pi (near Iu­ka).

Died: May 9, 1928, Mid­dles­bo­ro, Ken­tucky.

Buried: Wil­more, Ken­tuc­ky.

Pickett was a Meth­od­ist evan­gel­ist who con­duct­ed meet­ings in a num­ber of states and at Ho­li­ness camp­grounds. His works in­clude:


  1. Hallelujah! Jesus Saves Me


  1. Blessed Be the Name
  2. Christ in the Storm
  3. Healing Waters, The
  4. I Dreamed That the Great Judgment Morn­ing
  5. Speak to My Soul