Born: June 18, 1757, Rup­pers­thal, Aus­tria.

Died: No­vem­ber 14, 1831, Par­is, France.

Buried: Père Lachaise Cemetery, Par­is, France.

Twenty-fourth child of a vill­age school­mas­ter, Pley­el be­came Ka­pell­meis­ter to Count Lad­is­laus Er­dö­dy around 1776. He tra­veled in Ita­ly in the ear­ly 1780’s, and wrote the op­era Ifigenia in Aulide, which opened in Na­ples in 1785. Four years lat­er, he be­came Ka­pell­meis­ter in the ca­thed­ral in Stras­sburg. In the ear­ly 1790’s, he was con­duct­ing con­cert ser­ies in Lon­don. By 1795, he had moved to France, where he found­ed Maison Pleyel, a mu­sic pub­lish­ing firm. In 1807, he opened a pi­a­no com­pa­ny. He wrote about 45 sym­ph­onies in his life­time, and num­er­ous other works.



  1. Brattle Street
  2. Grace Church
  3. Onido
  4. Pleyel’s Hymn
  5. Seasons