Born: Ap­ril 27, 1840, Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio.

Died: De­cem­ber 31, 1918, New York Ci­ty.

Buried: Green­wood Cem­e­tery, Brook­lyn, New York.

Pseudonym: Ro­bert­son Gray.

A mem­ber of Hen­ry Ward Beech­er’s Ply­mouth Church, Ray­mond held de­grees from the Brook­field Pol­y­tech­nic In­sti­tute (1857), La­fay­ette Coll­ege (PhD 1868), Leigh Un­i­ver­si­ty (LLD 1906), and the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Pitts­burgh (hon­o­rary LLD. 1915). He served as the Unit­ed States Com­mis­sion­er of Mining Sta­tis­tics, and was sec­re­ta­ry of the Amer­i­can In­sti­tute of Min­ing, Me­tal­lur­gy, and Pe­trol­e­um En­gin­eers (1884-1911). In 1945, the in­sti­tute named its Ros­si­ter W. Ray­mond Me­mor­i­al Award af­ter him, to re­cog­nize the best pa­per pub­lished by a mem­ber un­der 33 years of age. Ray­mond lived in Brook­lyn, New York, at least part of his life, and wrote at least one West­ern no­vel:

One of Raymond’s best known quotes is:

Life is eternal; and love is immortal; and death is on­ly a ho­ri­zon; and a ho­ri­zon is no­thing save the lim­it of our sight.



  1. Far Out on the De­so­late Bil­low
  2. Morning Red
  3. Now Rest, Ye Pil­grim Host
  4. Star, Beautiful Star
  5. There Dwelt in Old Ju­dea
  6. Ye Fainting Souls, Lift Up Your Eyes