Born: Sep­tem­ber 27, 1879, Shades Val­ley (near Birm­ing­ham), Al­a­ba­ma.

Died: May 10, 1949, Fort Worth, Tex­as.

Buried: Fort Worth, Tex­as.

Reynolds at­tend­ed the Nor­mal Sing­ing Schools run by J. Henry Sho­walter and J. B. Her­bert (1902-1903), Miss­iss­ip­pi Coll­ege (1905-1906), Moo­dy Bi­ble In­sti­tute (1907-1908), Sie­gel-My­ers Un­i­ver­si­ty Cor­res­pon­dence School of Mu­sic (BM 1918) and the Chi­ca­go Mu­sic­al Coll­ege (1920). In 1942, he re­ceived a Mus.D. de­gree from the South­ern School of Fine Arts in Hous­ton, Texas. He was a mem­ber of the Cum­ber­land Pres­by­ter­i­an Church and later the High­land Bap­tist Church in Birm­ing­ham, Alabama. For about a de­cade be­gin­ning around 1905, he was a sing­ing evan­gel­ist un­der the aus­pices of the Miss­iss­ip­pi Bap­tist State Mis­sion Board and the South­ern Bap­tist Home Mis­sion Board. His works in­clude:


  1. Jesus Is the Friend You Need
  2. Jesus My Lord Is Real to Me (© 1933)
  3. Will You Come? (Reynolds)