Born: March 4, 1812, Fay­ette Coun­ty, Penn­syl­van­ia.

Died: Sep­tem­ber 5, 1876, Oak Park, Il­li­nois.

Reynolds was ed­u­cat­ed at Jef­fer­son Coll­ege, Ca­non­sburg, Penn­syl­van­ia, and Luth­er­an Get­tys­burg Sem­in­ary. He was a pro­fes­sor at Penn­syl­van­ia Coll­ege (1833-1850); pres­i­dent of Cap­i­tal Un­i­ver­si­ty, Co­lum­bus, Ohio (1850-1853); and pres­i­dent of Il­li­nois State Un­i­ver­si­ty (1857-1860). He be­came an or­dained Epis­co­pal min­is­ter in 1864, and found­ed the Evan­gel­i­cal Re­view. His last pas­tor­ate was at Christ Church, Har­lem (Oak Park), Il­li­nois, from 1872 un­til his death.



  1. Savior of the Na­tions, Come
