Born: Ap­ril 30, 1824, West­min­ster, Mid­dle­sex, Eng­land.

Died: No­vem­ber 13, 1899, South­sea, Port Sea, Hamp­shire, Eng­land.

Romanis at­tend­ed Em­man­u­el Coll­ege, Cam­bridge (BA in hon­ors 1846, MA 1849, D 1847, P 1848). From 1846 to 1856 he was As­sist­ant Mas­ter in the Class­ic­al De­part­ment of Chelt­en­ham Coll­ege. Sub­se­quent­ly, he was Cur­ate of Ax­min­ster, then of St. Ma­ry’s, Read­ing. In 1863 he be­came Vi­car of Wigs­ton Mag­na, Lei­ces­ter, and in 1888 of Twy­ford, Hants. He re­tired in 1895. His works in­clude:



  1. Dark Lies Before Us
  2. Lord, Who Shall Sit Beside Thee
  3. Pour Down Thy Spirit
  4. Round Me Falls the Night
