Born: De­cem­ber 5, 1830, St. Pan­cras, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Died: Dec 29, 1894, St. Giles, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Buried: High­gate Cem­e­te­ry, Lon­don, Eng­land. James Burns, John Cal­kin, Jea­nette Threl­fall and Will­iam Monk lie near­by.

Rossetti came from a well known li­ter­a­ry and ar­tis­tic fam­i­ly. Her fa­ther, Ga­bri­ele Ros­set­ti, in po­li­tic­al ex­ile in Eng­land, was a pro­fess­or of Ital­i­an at King’s Coll­ege in Lon­don. Her bro­thers Dan­te Ga­bri­el and Will­iam Mi­chael were among the found­ers of the Pre-Ra­pha­el­ite Bro­ther­hood, which gave birth to the 19th Century Eng­lish art move­ment of the same name. The Pre-Ra­pha­el­ites, for whom Chris­ti­na was a fre­quent mo­del, al­so in­clud­ed Ed­ward Burne-Jones, Will­iam Hol­man Hunt, Ford Ma­dox Brown, John Ev­er­ett Mil­lais, Will­iam Mor­ris, John Rus­kin and James Mc­Neill Whist­ler. Her fam­i­ly friends in­clud­ed Charles Dodg­son (bet­ter known by his pseu­do­nym Lew­is Car­roll), au­thor of Al­ice in Won­der­land.

Rossetti pub­lished three books of po­e­try (most­ly re­li­gious), and four books of de­vo­tions.



  1. Advent Moon Shines Cold and Clear, The
  2. Burdened Heart That Bleeds, A
  3. Dead Is Thy Daughter, Trouble Not the Mas­ter
  4. God the Father, Give Us Grace
  5. I Bore with Thee Long Weary Days and Nights
  6. I Would Have Gone, God Bade Me Stay
  7. In the Bleak Midwinter
  8. Love Came Down at Christmas
  9. None Other Lamb
  10. Once I Thought to Sit So High
  11. Shepherds Had an Angel, The
  12. We Know Not a Voice of that River
  13. What Are These That Glow from Afar?