Born: Ju­ly 17, 1882, Beu­lah (near Pitts­burg), Kan­sas.

Died: June 2, 1972, Pop­lar Bluff, Mis­so­uri.

Scholfield grad­u­at­ed from Bak­er Un­i­ver­si­ty, Bald­win Ci­ty, Kan­sas, in 1906. He then taught school, be­came an evan­gel­is­tic sing­er, and worked for the Home Mis­sion Board (1912-1917, 1919). Around age 49, he en­tered the real es­tate field in Fort Scott, Kan­sas. In 1950, he re­tired and moved to Pop­lar Bluff, Mis­souri.



  1. Roll Billows Roll
  2. Saved, Saved
