Born: March 9, 1875, Bel­size Park, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Died: Oc­to­ber 24, 1958, South­wold, Suf­folk, Eng­land.

Buried: After cre­ma­tion, Shaw was in­terred in a small, al­most un­marked grave in South­wold.

Brother of Geof­frey Shaw, Mar­tin at­tend­ed the Roy­al Coll­ege of Mu­sic, and lat­er worked in the the­a­ter with Gor­don Craig and Is­a­do­ra Dun­can. He played the or­gan at St. Ma­ry’s, Prim­rose Hill (1908-1920) and St. Mar­tin-in-the-Fields (1920-1924). He lat­er be­came di­rect­or of m­usic for the Ang­li­can di­o­cese of Chelms­ford, and helped found the Pur­cell Op­er­a­tic So­ci­e­ty. In 1924, Shaw be­came one of the first men to broad­cast on the BBC. In 1929, he wrote his au­to­bi­o­graphy Up to Now.



  1. Bromley Common
  2. Gentle Jesus
  3. High Road
  4. Little Cornard
  5. Marching
  6. Noël Nouvelet
  7. Purpose
  8. Riley
  9. Royal Oak
  10. Westridge (1929)