Born: 1767, Birm­ing­ham, War­wick­shire, Eng­land; christ­ened May 17, 1767, Saint Phil­lips Church, Birm­ing­ham.

Died: Oc­to­ber 29, 1822, Birmingham, Eng­land.

By age 20, Stan­ley was the song lead­er at Carrs Lane Ch­apel, mov­ing lat­er with the con­gre­ga­tion to Eb­e­ne­zer Cha­pel, Steel­house Lane. He was al­so some­time land­lord of the Crown Ta­vern, Charles Street, and vi­o­lin­cell­ist with the Birm­ing­ham The­a­ter Or­ches­tra. His works in­clude two sets of tunes, Twen­ty-Four Tunes in Four Parts, cir­ca 1796, con­tain­ing the tunes Shir­land, Stone­field, War­wick, Si­me­on, Wil­ton, Cal­va­ry and Kent. The se­cond book con­tained tunes not now known, but Sut­ton Cold­field and Star of Bethlehem were once pop­u­lar.



  1. Calvary
  2. Doversdale
  3. Kent
  4. Shirland
  5. Warwick
