Born: Feb­ru­a­ry 14, 1914, Bell­view, New Mex­i­co.

Died: De­cem­ber 30, 1993, Over­land Park, Kan­sas.

Buried: John­son Coun­ty Me­mor­i­al Gar­dens, John­son Coun­ty, Kan­sas.

Stanphill was an As­sem­blies of God pas­tor, sing­er, and Gos­pel song­writ­er. A gift­ed mu­si­cian, he was al­rea­dy play­ing pi­a­no, or­gan, uku­le­le and ac­cor­di­on by age 10. By the time he reached 17, he was com­pos­ing and sing­ing, par­ti­ci­pat­ing in re­viv­al cru­sad­es, pray­er meet­ings, and tent cam­paigns. He grad­u­at­ed from the Jun­ior Coll­ege in Chil­li­co­the, Mis­sou­ri, and was lat­er award­ed an hon­o­rary Ph.D. from Hyles-An­der­son Coll­ege in In­di­a­na. As a sing­ing evan­gel­ist, he preached all over Amer­i­ca and in over 40 other count­ries. He was in­duct­ed in­to the Gos­pel Mu­sic Hall of Fame in 1981, and pub­lished his au­to­bi­o­graphy, This Side of Heav­en, in 1983.



  1. Because (© 1972)
  2. Beyond Tomorrow (© 1951)
  3. Bind Our Hearts with One Great Purpose (© 1972)
  4. Choice Is Mine, The (© 1961)
  5. Christ­ian Cowboy, A (© 1948)
  6. Color It Love (© 1970)
  7. Come and See (© 1968)
  8. Crown of Thorns, A (© 1952)
  9. Da­vid and Goliath (© 1969)
  10. Faithful Forever (© 1968)
  11. Follow Me (© 1953)
  12. Give Me a Love Like This (© 1975)
  13. Glory Road, The (© 1946)
  14. God Has His Way in It All (© 1946)
  15. Happiness Is the Lord (© 1968)
  16. He Came to Me (© 1959)
  17. He Knows What He’s Doin’ All The Time (©)
  18. He Listens (© 1962)
  19. He Washed My Eyes with Tears (© 1955)
  20. How Deep Was His Love (© 1962)
  21. I Am Longing to See Jesus (© 1946)
  22. I Know Who Holds Tomorrow (© 1950)
  23. I Made a Place in My Heart (© 1952)
  24. I Walk with His Hand in Mine (© 1958)
  25. If I’ve Forgotten Today (© 1972)
  26. If You Need Him (© 1975)
  27. I’m A Goin’ to Glory (© 1961)
  28. Inside Those Pearly Gates (© 1954)
  29. It’s Real for It’s Written (© 1946)
  30. I’ve Riches Untold (© 1962)
  31. Jesus and Me (© 1946)
  32. Jesus Can (© 1968)
  33. Jesus Is His Name (© 1962)
  34. Just Trust in Him (© 1949)
  35. Knock at the Door (© 1968)
  36. Lovely Is His Name (© 1968)
  37. Mansion over the Hilltop (© 1949)
  38. Now I Know (© 1960)
  39. Preach the Whole Gospel (© 1966)
  40. Rocky Road (© 1977)
  41. Room at the Cross for You (© 1946)
  42. She Needs Your Pray­ers (© 1970)
  43. Someone Forgot (© 1975)
  44. Suppertime (© 1950)
  45. Take Down Your Harp (© 1946)
  46. There’s Only One Way (© 1960)
  47. Thirty Pieces of Silver (© 1949)
  48. ’Til He Comes
  49. Time and Time Again (© 1961)
  50. Treasures (© 1975)
  51. Trust Me (© 1972)
  52. Unto the King (© 1979)
  53. Unworthy (© 1959)
  54. We’ll Talk It Over (© 1949)
  55. Without a Song (© 1975)
  56. Ye Shall Receive Power (© 1977)
  57. Yes He Knows (© 1962)
  58. You Can Have a Song in Your Heart (© 1946)
  59. Your Decision (© 1968)