A number of hymns at­tribut­ed to Stock­er ap­peared in the Gos­pel Mag­a­zine in 1776 and 1777. In 1861, D. Sedg­wick col­lect­ed and re­print­ed these in Hymns and Spir­it­u­al Songs. John Ju­li­an be­lieved Sedg­wick had in­suf­fi­cient ev­i­dence to at­trib­ute all of these to Stock­er. Not­with­stand­ing Ju­li­an’s doubts, the list is shown be­low.



  1. Awake, My Soul, Arise and Sing
  2. Away My Doubts, Begone My Fears
  3. Gracious Spirit, Dove Divine
  4. Jesus, My Savior, I Avow
  5. Jesus, My Rock, Which Cannot Move
  6. No Strength in Myself I Possess
  7. O Come, Ye Poor sinners, with Burdens Oppressed
  8. Of Jesus, My Savior, I’ll Sing
  9. Thy Mercy, My God, Is the Theme of My Song
