Born: June 27, 1883, Leeds, Eng­land.

Died: March 8, 1929, Li­ver­pool, Eng­land.

Buried: Wor­ces­ter.

Educated at Leeds Gram­mar School; Trin­i­ty Coll­ege, Dub­lin; and Ri­pon Cler­gy Coll­ege; Stud­dert-Ken­ne­dy be­came Cur­ate at Rug­by, and in 1914 Vi­car of St. Paul’s, Wor­ces­ter. When World War I began, he vol­un­teered as a mil­i­ta­ry chap­lain. Giv­en the nick­name Wood­bine Will­ie for his ha­bit of dis­trib­ut­ing cig­a­rettes to sol­diers, he was not­ed for his bra­ve­ry un­der fire. In 1917, he re­ceived the Mil­i­tary Cross af­ter run­ning in­to “no man’s land” at Mes­sines Ridge to com­fort the in­jured. In 1922, Stud­dert-Ken­ne­dy was put in charge of St. Ed­mund King and Martyr in Lom­bard Street, Lon­don.

Studdert-Kennedy’s works in­clude:


  1. Awake, Awake to Love and Work
  2. Not Here for High and Ho­ly Things
  3. When Through the Whirl of Wheels