Born: May 9, 1807, Os­sett, York­shire, Eng­land.

Died: March 7, 1835, Brad­ford, York­shire, Eng­land, of tu­ber­cu­lo­sis.

Taylor went to school in Brad­ford and Man­ches­ter, and worked for a mer­chant and a print­er. He lat­er stu­died at Aire­dale In­de­pen­dent Coll­ege (now part of Brad­ford Un­i­ver­si­ty), then pas­tored at How­ard Street Cha­pel in Shef­field (1830-1831). His hymns and po­ems were pub­lished pos­thu­mous­ly in Mem­oirs and Se­lect Re­mains, 1836.



  1. Earth with Her Ten Thousand Flowers
  2. I’m But a Stranger Here
  3. Savior and Lord of All
  4. There Was a Time When Children Sang
  5. Yes, It Is Good to Wor­ship Thee
  6. Yes, There Are Little Ones in Heaven
