Born: 760, Ital­y.

Died: 821, An­giers, France.

Theodulph was born into the Ital­i­an no­bil­i­ty, but de­cid­ed on a life of re­li­gious ser­vice. His first po­si­tion was as ab­bot of a mon­as­te­ry in Fi­ren­ze (Flor­ence), Ita­ly. In 781, Char­le­magne ap­point­ed him Bi­shop of Or­leans, France. How­ev­er, this flour­ish­ing ca­reer came to an abrupt end with Char­le­magne’s death. Lou­is the Pi­ous sus­pect­ed The­o­dulph of se­cret loy­al­ty to po­li­ti­cal lead­ers in It­a­ly, the coun­try of his birth. These sus­pi­cions led to The­o­dulph’s im­pris­on­ment in An­giers in 818. His pre­di­ca­ment is re­mi­nis­cent of Paul’s in­car­cer­a­tion in Rome. Like Paul, The­o­dulph’s faith sus­tained him in­side cold stone walls. It was there he wrote All Glo­ry, Laud and Hon­or, and there that he died.



  1. Gloria, laus, et hon­or