Christopher Tye


Born: Cir­ca 1505, prob­ab­ly in east­ern Eng­land.

Died: March 1573, Dod­ding­ton, Isle of Ely.

Tye earned a Ba­che­lor of Mu­sic de­gree at Cam­bridge Un­i­ver­si­ty in 1536. He worked as a clerk at King’s Coll­ege there from around 1537-1538. In 1543, he was ap­point­ed choir­mas­ter at Ely Ca­thed­ral, where his friend Ri­chard Cox was arch­dea­con. Tye went on to get his doc­tor­ate of mu­sic at Cam­bridge in 1545, and re­ceived the same de­gree from Ox­ford in 1548. His mu­sic was pop­u­lar at the Cha­pel Roy­al in the late 1540’s. In 1560, Tye be­came a dea­con, then priest, and served at Dod­ding­ton-cum-Marche, Isle of Ely. His mu­sic in­cludes mo­tets, mag­ni­fi­cats, mass­es, an­thems, and as­sort­ed works for wor­ship ser­vic­es.



  1. Gethsemane
  2. Windsor

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