Born: 1575, Mid­dle­burg, Hol­land.

Died: Jan­u­a­ry 27, 1620, Veere, Hol­land.

A Frenchman by birth, Va­ler­i­us was the son of a mil­i­ta­ry clerk and no­ta­ry. In 1569, Va­ler­i­us be­came a ci­ti­zen of the Dutch town of Mid­del­burg, on the is­land of Wal­cher­en, Zee­land. Va­ler­i­us’ fa­ther liked to play the or­gan, and bought a small church or­gan for 24 guild­ers when a church was pulled down af­ter the li­ber­a­tion of Mid­del­burg in 1575, dur­ing the war be­tween the Haps­burg Span­ish and the Dutch re­pub­lic­ans. In 1592, Va­ler­i­us be­came a clerk, like his father befo­re him, with the equip­ment- and am­mu­ni­tion of­fi­cer of Zeland, and may­or of his home­town of Veere (on the isl­and of Noord-Be­ve­land). In 1598, the ad­mir­al­ty of Mid­del­burg re­com­mend­ed Va­ler­i­us to the Es­tates Gen­er­al for the po­si­tion of in­spect­or of the con­voys and li­cense holde­rs of Veere. In 1606, he be­came the col­lect­or of the con­voy- and li­cense pay­ments of Veere and mas­ter of the for­ti­fi­ca­tions of the town, and be­came a no­ta­ry for the Es­tates of Zea­land. In 1616, he was elect­ed al­der­man of his town.

If he had mere­ly been a no­ta­ry and al­der­man, Va­ler­i­us would have been long for­got­ten; bBut he al­so be­longed to the re­der­ij­kers­kam­er (cham­ber of el­o­quent speak­ers) of Veere, an am­a­teur po­ets’ so­ci­e­ty. Va­ler­ius on­ly wrote re­li­gious texts, though this was un­com­mon in the re­der­ij­kers­move­ment. He penned a num­ber Dutch hymns, ma­ny of which are still sung today, col­lect­ed in his Ne­der­landtsche ge­denck-clanck (Dutch re­mem­brance-tunes).


  1. Wilt hed­en nu treden
